Array Catalog
The Myomatrix catalog highlights the current arrays available for the global user base. The CAMBER team is available for consultation on design choices, surgical questions or recording/amplifier equipment purchases. Sign up for a consultation using THIS LINK.
Deciphering the Myomatrix array design codes, e.g. RF-4x8-BVS-8
- First two letters are for internal use
- Number x number: number of threads x number of contacts/thread
- First letter: (B)arbs on the array threads, (X) no barbs
- Second letter: (V)ertical or (H)orizontal orientation of the Omnetics connector or a (Z)IF interface
- Third letter: Muscle attachment method using (S)utures or (I)njection with a needle
- Last number: length of array threads from neck of the array to proximal contact in (cm).
Design features: This configuration has 4 threads with 8 contacts per thread. The tthreads have flexible “barbs” (B) adjacent to the electrode contacts, pull-through tabs to assist with threading under the skin, and suture holes to insert the array into (intramuscular), or attach onto (epimysial), the target muscle.
RF-4x8-BHS-5: horizontally attached Omnetics connector, ~5 cm thread length, 100 x 200 um electrode contact size.
RF-4x8-BVS-5: vertically attached Omnetics connector, ~5 cm thread length, 100 x 200 um electrode contact size.
RF-4x8-BVS-8: vertically attached Omnetics connector, ~8 cm thread length, 100 x 200 um electrode contact size.
Applications: This design can be used for chronic high-resolution EMG in a variety of species, including:
- Mouse and rat forelimb muscles
- Rat vocal muscles
- Mouse hindlimb muscles
- Acute recordings (from any species)

Design features: This configuration has 4 threads with 8 contacts per thread. The threads have flexible “barbs” (B) adjacent to the electrode contacts and short tails at the end of each thread. The tail of each thread is inserted into a small gauge needle (26-30g) and used to inject the electrode contact end directly into the muscle.
RF-4x8-BHI-5: horizontally attached Omnetics connector, ~5 cm thread length, 100 x 200 um electrode contact size.
RF-4x8-BVI-8: vertically attached Omnetics connector, ~8 cm thread length, 100 x 200 um electrode contact size.
RF-4x8-BHI-8: horizontally attached Omnetics connector, ~8 cm thread length, 100 x 200 um electrode contact size.
Applications: This design can be used for chronic high-resolution EMG in a variety of species, including:
- Mouse and rat forelimb muscles
- Rat vocal muscles
- Mouse hindlimb muscles
- Acute recordings (from any species)

Design features: This configuration has 8 threads with 4 contacts per thread. The threads have flexible “barbs” (B) adjacent to the electrode contacts and proximal and short tails at the end of each thread. The tail of each thread is inserted into a small gauge needle (26-30g) and used to inject the electrode contact end directly into the muscle.
RF-8x4-BHI-5: horizontally attached Omnetics connector, ~5 cm thread length, 100 x 200 um electrode contact size.
RF-8x4-BVI-5: vertically attached Omnetics connector, ~5 cm thread length, 100 x 200 um electrode contact size.
Applications: This design can be used for chronic high-resolution EMG in a variety of species, including:
- Mouse and rat forelimb muscles
- Multiple muscles can be recorded with this 8 threaded design
- Acute recordings (from any species)

Design features: This configuration has one thread with 32 contacts arranged in 16 pairs. The long tail is inserted into a small gauge blunted needle (23-25g, provided by CAMBER) and used to inject the electrode contact end directly through the skin and into the muscle (percutaneous).
NP-1x32-XZI-8 or -10: This design has a ZIF interface, threads of either ~8 or 10 cm in length and contact sizes of 100 x 200 um. The ZIF interface is inserted into the ZIF adapter (created in-house and provided with the arrays) which is then plugged into an appropriate headstage. Note that each array is single-use but that the ZIF adapter can be used across many experiments. Refer to connectorization details on the Array Configurations page.
Applications: This design can be used for acute high-resolution EMG in a variety of species, including:
- Non-human primates
- Human subjects
CODE | Example application | Acute recording | Chronic recording | Threads | Contacts per thread | Total # of contacts | (1) Length of thread (cm) | Barbs (B) or no Barbs (X) | (2,3) Connector orientation | (4) Insertion mechanism |
RF-4x8-BHS-5 | mouse forelimb | Y | Y | 4 | 8 | 32 | 5.9 | B | H | Sutures |
RF-4x8-BVS-5 | mouse forelimb; mouse orofacial | Y | Y | 4 | 8 | 32 | 5.7 | B | V | Sutures |
RF-4x8-BVS-8 | rat forelimb, mouse hindlimb | Y | Y | 4 | 8 | 32 | 8.9 | B | V | Sutures |
RF-4x8-BHI-5 | mouse forelimb | Y | Y | 4 | 8 | 32 | 5.8 | B | H | Intramuscular |
RF-4x8-BVI-8 | mouse hindlimb | Y | Y | 4 | 8 | 32 | 9.0 | B | V | Intramuscular |
RF-4x8-BHI-8 | mouse hindlimb | Y | Y | 4 | 8 | 32 | 9.0 | B | H | Intramuscular |
RF-8x4-BHI-5 | mouse forelimb | Y | Y | 8 | 4 | 32 | 5.6 | B | H | Intramuscular |
RF-8x4-BVI-5 | mouse forelimb | Y | Y | 8 | 4 | 32 | 5.8 | B | V | Intramuscular |
NP-1x32-XZI-8 | NHP forelimb or human quadriceps | Y | N | 1 | 32 | 32 | 9.7 | X | Z | Percutaneous |
NP-1x32-XZI-10 | NHP forelimb or human quadriceps | Y | N | 1 | 32 | 32 | 11.7 | X | Z | Percutaneous |
- Notes: The array designs all have electrode contact dimensions that are 100x200 um and contact pitch distance is 300 um.
- NHP = Non-human primate
- (1) Length of thread is from center of connector to the distal-most electrode.
- (2) "Vertical (V)" means that the connector is parallel to the long axis of the array; "Horizontal (H)" is perpendicular to the long axis; "ZIF (Z)" represents the ZIF interface which inserts into the ZIF adapter.
- (3) Omnetics connector: part number NHP-36-VV-GS (A79026)
- (4) Refer to Chung et al., 2023.